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The Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund is a UK government initiative aimed at helping social housing landlords improve the energy efficiency of their properties.
It provides funding for projects such as insulation, heating system upgrades, and renewable energy installations, all with the goal of reducing carbon emissions from social housing. The fund aims to support social housing providers in meeting their net-zero carbon targets and contribute to the overall goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the UK.
In addition to upgrades to the heating system, insulation, and installation of renewable energy, smart heating controls are considered an eligible measure under the SHDF and can be included in the project’s capital costs.
For the improvement of energy performance in social homes in England, there is an additional funding of £1.2 billion available this year. There are two options to access this funding in SHDF Wave 3: the Challenge Fund and Strategic Partnerships.
Vericon can help social housing providers effectivly spend their SHDF funding by offering energy monitoring and management solutions.
Our smart technology allows for real time data collection and analysis, helping to identify areas of energy inefficiency and potential carbon reduction opportunities within social housing properties.
By monitoring energy consumption, carbon emissions, and identifying energy-saving measures, we can assist social housing providers to effectively utilise the funding provided by the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund to achieve their sustainability goals and reduce carbon footprints.
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