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All landlords have a statutory requirement to ensure the emergency lights within a property are operational and capable of illuminating an area for three hours according to BS5266.
This is to ensure there is sufficient light for customers to be able to exit a building safely or for emergency services to be able to enter.
With a return of investment of under 2 years, the EmeRed system will carry out a client’s statutory testing requirement, collation of results and prepare the compliance certification necessary.
The small EmeRed device is a retrofittable product that will carry out all of a client’s statutory testing requirements under BS5266, BS50172 and other relevant BSI standards and industry legislation.
Once fitted within an existing emergency luminaire or pre-installed in a new fitting the electrician follows a simple 3 step App. based commissioning process which creates an accurate asset schedule as well as confirming the electrical works are correct. The asset schedule will include the lamp, battery, and inverter details essential to manage stock and affect first time fixes.
Emergency Light Statutory Compliance Testing
The client is a housing association that has grown by combining assets and resources from several smaller housing providers. This type of growth results in a wide range of housing stock and asset schedules over a large geographical area, which brings challenges of monitoring, managing and maintaining their portfolio.
EmeRed can be installed and commissioned on to any luminaire in under 10 minutes and will carry out tests over the next ten years.
The system will prepare a monthly compliance report and save it ready for downloading at a convenient time.
The electrical manager can assign a testing schedule with a single click which will set the autonomous management of your emergency light testing.
As the testing system tests lights individually, testing can be set so that no adjacent lights are tested within 36 hours of one another therefore never leaving an area at risk.
The EmeRed will automatically send all test results to Vericon Connect. The Connect system will then notify specified users to any failed lamps or those requiring preventative maintenance.
Cameron Jeffrey | Head of Health Safety and Compliance, Grand Union Housing Group
BS5266 states that all emergency lights must be tested monthly, and a full audit trail maintained to prove compliance. These statutory tests consist of eleven operational “flick” tests and annually a three hour drain down.
Each test must simulate a loss of power in the building and force the emergency light into a battery power condition.
Testing emergency lighting equipment is a time consuming and costly job. It is often left to the facilities manager or buildings manager who have not always been given the training required to take on such an important responsibility.
There are other drawbacks to manual testing, including:
Business disruption
Manual testing disrupts normal building use, and takes the facilities manager away from other tasks, since it requires tested areas to be vacant for 24 hours following a duration test.
Lack of maintenance planning
A lack of fault and repair history for the light fittings makes future maintenance planning difficult and inefficient.
Records are often poorly kept, if at all, and standardised records and management processes are often lacking.
Using EmeRed to automate your emergency lighting testing regime has a range of advantages over manual testing, including:
EmeRed devices are programmed to conduct tests in accordance with your regulatory obligations so you can guarantee 100% compliance.
Simple management
Since the reporting is online, via the cloud, individual lights, buildings or indeed whole estates can be controlled from your desk.
Degradation testing
EmeRed measure the life outstanding in each battery, to ensure they are replaced before an emergency occurs. It also automatically notifies you if there is a problem.
We remove the need to spend capital on new staff and training. Our Managed Services team act as integral members of your team, providing valuable insights and monitoring your data for potential. This collaborative approach ensures your properties are running smoothly and efficiently.
Have confidence that your processes are being followed and are fully auditable. You will receive reports on a regular basis that show you how your service is performing.
Better understand your residents’ needs through direct communication and education leading to increased resident satisfaction, better retention rates, and ultimately, a more successful property management business.
The Managed Services team, along with our machine learning analysis programs, diligently monitor your portfolio 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These efforts are implemented for the purpose of identifying issues that may arise and addressing them in a timely and efficient manner. Our prompt actions range from issuing simple alerts to managing various business processes in order to alleviate any problems that may be encountered.
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