In today's technologically advanced world, power monitoring has become an essential aspect of building management. From ensuring energy efficiency...
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Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH) is the UK’s first tenant and employee co-owned mutual housing society, with over 12,000 homes throughout the local area.
The Representative Body has agreed our values:
Collaboration – We are stronger together. We must be active listeners and partners, who respect diversity and tackle stigma. This empathy and deep collaborative ethos is the source of our strength and power.
Democracy – We are democratic. Our democracy is rooted in our mutual status and evidenced in our governance through our Representative Body and Board. Our tenants, employees and communities have voice and power over what we do, and how we operate.
Equity – We seek fairness and equality. This is how we think and operate as a mutual Society, and why we strive for greater inclusion and equality within RBH, in our communities, and in the wider economy and society of Rochdale borough and elsewhere.
Pioneering – We innovate. We have pioneered mutuality and cooperation within the housing sector and wider. We will continue to strive to champion new innovations in creating excellent homes, a sustainable environment, and a just economy for our communities.
Responsibility – We build mutual respect. We have a responsibility to create great homes, communities and be a good employer, and we are rightly held accountable on that. We also care about and are responsible for each other and act with individual and collective integrity building mutual respect.